Copyright Policy

  1. Users should strictly observe the following policies:-

    1. No Reproduction, Copy, make available Distribution of Copyrighted Work
    2. No User may reproduce any copyrighted work in any form unless the User has obtained written permission from the author of the copyrighted work.
    3. No User shall copy any copyrighted work. Copying includes but is not limited to scanning, storing information in hard disc or other electronic form (e.g. memory cards and memory sticks), and transmission by facsimile.
    4. No User shall make available, distribute and/ or permit to distribute copies of a copyrighted work, which includes distribution by electronic means, such as through email. Making unauthorized copies of a copyrighted work to others through the internet (such as posting the said unauthorized copies on the internet) is an infringing act.
  2. Use and Creation of Teaching Material
    1. Wording in the teaching materials:

      1. Mentors and Content Providers are strictly prohibited from directly copying or merely modifying the wording of materials set by another author.
      2. When creating teaching materials, Mentors and Content Providers must use their own wording to express the ideas of the teaching materials, particularly when making reference to ideas, concept or logic from any published materials, including but not limited to textbooks, articles and websites.
    2. Drawings and Diagrams in the teaching materials:

      1. Mentors and Content Providers are strictly prohibited from copying drawings and/or diagrams made by other authors.
      2. When creating teaching materials, Mentors and Content Providers must produce their own fresh drawings and/or diagrams (including: circles, cylinders, other shapes, etc.) using their own skill, judgment and tools.
  3. Company’s Treatment of Infringing Acts

    1. Should a User commit any copyright infringement or violate any part of this Policy and/or any part of the Copyright Ordinance of Hong Kong (Chapter 528 of the Laws of Hong Kong) or any relevant copyright laws and regulations, the Company may take any of the following actions:
      1. Immediately remove all infringing materials produced by the User / cease to publish all infringing materials produced by the User;
      2. Terminate any engagement and/or agreement between the User and the Company;
      3. Cease to make any payment to the Mentors and Content Providers; and/or
      4. Seek loss and damages caused to the Company as a result of the User’s infringing act(s).
  4. Reference to Third Parties Copyrighted Work

Mentors and Content Providers who include third party materials in their teaching materials are reminded of the importance of proper citation. It is necessary for Users to make reference give credit to the proper source. The page or paragraph number where the Users find information is required for all quotations but is optional for paraphrased information. Citations in the Users’ paper are necessary to provide credit to the proper sources.